It’s humbling to realise that everything I’ve taken for granted over the last 13 years, touching Lils, holding her, being beside her, I now have to ask permission to do it.That now, other mothers’ hands have the unspoken right to touch my daughter.I have to ask permission to perform the most basic of ‘mum duties’ for my own child.My. Own. Child.16 days in the head of a mum during her teenage daughter’s battle with HLH.
Book published... CheckBook selling.... Check (keep buying though!!)People talking about the book.... Check (keep talking though!!)What's left on the checklist?Yes! The official book launch of Musing ........
I'd like to say thank you for reading this, my first blog!To write a book is a big decision to make for anyone.To write a book about the last days I shared with Lils, my daughter, is something I never ........
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